While using our API you may encounter certain status and error codes that you need to understand or troubleshoot. This page contains a list of all codes with thorough descriptions and action steps you need to take in case you are looking for a resolution of the problem.
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Code lists:
HTTP status codes
Every HTTP transaction has a status code sent back by the server to define how the server handled the transaction. Most common statuses you may have encountered are 200 OK and 404 Not Found
Learn more about HTTP status codes here
API Status codes
Besides standard HTTP status code, status object may be returned as part of the API response message, delivery report or message log.
Status object example:
"description":"Message delivered to handset"
General status codes
PENDING (group id: 1) - general status codes
Message has been processed and sent to the next instance i.e. mobile operator.
Id | Status |
3 | PENDING_WAITING_DELIVERY -Message has been processed and sent to the next instance i.e. mobile operator with request acknowledgment from their platform. Delivery report has not yet been received and is awaited thus the status is still pending. |
7 | PENDING_ENROUTE -Message has been processed and sent to the next instance i.e. mobile operator. |
26 | PENDING_ACCEPTED -Message has been accepted and processed and is ready to be sent to the next instance i.e. operator. |
UNDELIVERABLE (group id: 2) - general status codes
Message has not been delivered.
Id | Status |
4 | UNDELIVERABLE_REJECTED_OPERATOR -Message has been sent to the operator, whereas the request was rejected, or a delivery report with status "REJECTED" was reverted. |
9 | UNDELIVERABLE_NOT_DELIVERED -Message has been sent to the operator, but has failed to deliver, since a delivery report with status "UNDELIVERED" was reverted from the operator. |
DELIVERED (group id: 3) - general status codes
Message has successfully been processed and delivered.
Id | Status |
2 | DELIVERED_TO_OPERATOR -Message has been successfully sent and delivered to the operator. |
5 | DELIVERED_TO_HANDSET -Message has been successfully processed and delivered to recipient. |
EXPIRED (group id: 4) - general status codes
Message has been sent, and has either expired due to being pending past its validity period (our platform default is 48 hours), or the delivery report from the operator has reverted the expired as a final status.
Id | Status |
15 | EXPIRED_EXPIRED -The message was received and sent to the operator, however it has been pending until the validity period has expired, or the operator returned EXPIRED status in the meantime. |
29 | EXPIRED_DLR_UNKNOWN -The message has been received and forwarded to the operator for delivery, however the delivery report from the operator has not been formatted correctly, or has not been recognized as valid. |
REJECTED (group id: 5) - general status codes
Message has been received, but has either been rejected by our system, or the operator has reverted Rejected as final status.
Id | Status |
6 | REJECTED_NETWORK -Message has been received, but the network is either out of our coverage or not setup on your account. Your account manager can inform you on the coverage status or setup the network in question. |
8 | REJECTED_PREFIX_MISSING -Message has been received, but has been rejected as the number is not recognized due to either incorrect number prefix or number length. This information is different for each network and is regularly updated. |
10 | REJECTED_DND -Message has been received, and rejected due to the user being subscribed to DND (Do Not Disturb) services, disabling any service traffic to their number. |
11 | REJECTED_SOURCE -Your account is set to accept only registered sender ID-s while the sender ID defined in the request has not been registered on your account. |
12 | REJECTED_NOT_ENOUGH_CREDITS -Your account is out of credits for further submission - please top up your account. For further assistance in topping up or applying for online account topup service you may contact your account manager. |
13 | REJECTED_SENDER -The sender ID has been blacklisted on your account - please remove the blacklist on your account or contact Support for further assistance. |
14 | REJECTED_DESTINATION -The destination number has been blacklisted either at the operator request or on your account - please contact Support for more information. |
17 | REJECTED_PREPAID_PACKAGE_EXPIRED -Account credits have been expired past their validity period - please topup your subaccount with credits to extend the validity period. |
18 | REJECTED_DESTINATION_NOT_REGISTERED -Your account has been setup for submission only to a single number for testing purposes - kindly contact your manager to remove the limitation. |
19 | REJECTED_ROUTE_NOT_AVAILABLE -Mesage has been received on the system, however your account has not been setup to send messages i.e. no routes on your account are available for further submission. Your account manager will be able to setup your account based on your preference. |
20 | REJECTED_FLOODING_FILTER -Message has been rejected due to a anti-flooding mechanism. By default, a single number can only receive 20 varied messages and 6 identical messages per hour. If there is a requirement, the limitation can be extended per account on request to your account manager. |
21 | REJECTED_SYSTEM_ERROR -The request has been rejected due to an expected system system error, please retry submission or contact our technical support team for more details. |
23 | REJECTED_DUPLICATE_MESSAGE_ID -The request has been rejected due to a duplicate message ID specified in the submit request, while message ID-s should be a unique value. |
24 | REJECTED_INVALID_UDH -Message has been received, while our system detected the message was formatted incorrectly because of either an invalid ESM class parameter (fully featured binary message API method) or an inaccurate amount of characters when using esmclass:64 (UDH). For more information feel free to visit the below articles or contact our Support team for clarification. |
25 | REJECTED_MESSAGE_TOO_LONG -Message has been received, but the total message length is more than 25 parts or message text which exceeds 4000 bytes as per our system limitation. |
51 | MISSING_TO -The request has been received, however the "to" parameter has not been set or it is empty, i.e. there must be valid recipients to send the message. |
52 | REJECTED_INVALID_DESTINATION -The request has been received, however the destination is invalid - the number prefix is not correct as it does not match a valid number prefix by any mobile operator. Number length is also taken into consideration in verifying number number validity. |
Error codes
Error object can be returned as part of the send message response or Delivery report response.
Error object example:
"description":"No Error",
General error codes
OK (group id: 0) - general error codes
The request has been completed successfully.
Id | Permanent | Error |
0 | false | NO_ERROR -There is no error description provided. Mostly returned for successful delivery or when error code was not returned by the operator. |
HANDSET_ERRORS (group id: 1) - general error codes
The request has not been completed due to handset related issues.
Id | Permanent | Error |
1 | true | EC_UNKNOWN_SUBSCRIBER -The number does not exist or it has not been assigned to any active subscriber in the operator's user database. |
5 | false | EC_UNIDENTIFIED_SUBSCRIBER -Unidentified Subscriber |
6 | false | EC_ABSENT_SUBSCRIBER_SM -The subscriber is detected unavailable, as there was no paging response from the handset. This is often due to the handset being switched off or in low signal area. Applies to MAP protocol version 3. |
7 | false | EC_UNKNOWN_EQUIPMENT -The mobile device has not been recognized by EIR (Equipment Identity Register), during device verification on MAP protocol level at operator's infrastructure. |
8 | false | EC_ROAMING_NOT_ALLOWED -The subscriber is currently in roaming at another country or other operator's infrastructure - roaming delivery is not guaranteed due to lack of roaming agreements between many different operator. |
9 | true | EC_ILLEGAL_SUBSCRIBER -Illegal Subscriber |
11 | true | EC_TELESERVICE_NOT_PROVISIONED -The subscriber's mobile service has been suspended by the operator. |
12 | true | EC_ILLEGAL_EQUIPMENT -Illegal Equipment |
13 | false | EC_CALL_BARRED -The subscriber is set to DND (Do Not Disturb) service, opting out of receiving any service traffic to their number. |
21 | false | EC_FACILITY_NOT_SUPPORTED -Facility Not Supported |
27 | false | EC_ABSENT_SUBSCRIBER -The subscriber is offline in the network, as confirmed by the handset's paging response. This is often due to the handset being switched off. |
31 | false | EC_SUBSCRIBER_BUSY_FOR_MT_SMS -Subscriber Busy For Mt SMS |
32 | false | EC_SM_DELIVERY_FAILURE -SM Delivery Failure |
33 | false | EC_MESSAGE_WAITING_LIST_FULL -Message Waiting List Full |
34 | false | EC_SYSTEM_FAILURE -System Failure |
35 | false | EC_DATA_MISSING -Data Missing |
36 | false | EC_UNEXPECTED_DATA_VALUE -Unexpected Data Value |
255 | false | EC_UNKNOWN_ERROR -Unknown Error |
256 | false | EC_SM_DF_MEMORYCAPACITYEXCEEDED -SM DF Memory Capacity Exceeded |
257 | false | EC_SM_DF_EQUIPMENTPROTOCOLERROR -SM DF Equipment Protocol Error |
258 | false | EC_SM_DF_EQUIPMENTNOTSM\_EQUIPPED -SM DF Equipment Not SM Equipped |
259 | false | EC_SM_DF_UNKNOWNSERVICECENTRE -SM DF Unknown Service Centre |
260 | false | EC_SM_DF_SC_CONGESTION -SM DF Sc Congestion |
261 | false | EC_SM_DF_INVALIDSME_ADDRESS -SM DF InvalidSME Address |
262 | false | EC_SM_DF_SUBSCRIBERNOTSC_SUBSCRIBER -SM DF Subscribernotsc Subscriber |
500 | false | EC_PROVIDER_GENERAL_ERROR -Provider General Error |
502 | false | EC_NO_RESPONSE -The message has been successfully processed and forwarded to the operator, but no response was returned from the operator upon message submit request, or such error was reverted by the operator. The error also applies to similar errors on SS7 network level. |
503 | false | EC_SERVICE_COMPLETION_FAILURE -Service Completion Failure |
504 | false | EC_UNEXPECTED_RESPONSE_FROM_PEER -Unexpected Response From Peer |
507 | false | EC_MISTYPED_PARAMETER -Mistyped Parameter |
508 | false | EC_NOT_SUPPORTED_SERVICE -Not Supported Service |
509 | false | EC_DUPLICATED_INVOKE_ID -Duplicated Invoke Id |
1024 | false | EC_OR_APPCONTEXTNOTSUPPORTED -App Context Not Supported |
1025 | false | EC_OR_INVALIDDESTINATIONREFERENCE -Invalid Destination Reference |
1026 | false | EC_OR_INVALIDORIGINATINGREFERENCE -Invalid Originating Reference |
1027 | false | EC_OR_ENCAPSULATEDAC_NOTSUPPORTED -Encapsulated AC Not Supported |
1028 | false | EC_OR_TRANSPORTPROTECTIONNOTADEQUATE -Transport Protection Not Adequate |
1029 | false | EC_OR_NOREASONGIVEN -No Reason Given |
1030 | false | EC_OR_POTENTIALVERSIONINCOMPATIBILITY -Potential Version Incompatibility |
1031 | false | EC_OR_REMOTENODENOTREACHABLE -Remote Node Not Reachable |
1152 | false | EC_NNR_NOTRANSLATIONFORANADDRESSOFSUCHNATURE -No Translation For An Address Of Such Nature |
1153 | false | EC_NNR_NOTRANSLATIONFORTHISSPECIFICADDRESS -No Translation For This Specific Address |
1154 | false | EC_NNR_SUBSYSTEMCONGESTION -Subsystem Congestion |
1155 | false | EC_NNR_SUBSYSTEMFAILURE -Subsystem Failure |
1156 | false | EC_NNR_UNEQUIPPEDUSER -Unequipped User |
1157 | false | EC_NNR_MTPFAILURE -MTP Failure |
1158 | false | EC_NNR_NETWORKCONGESTION -The request had failed due to network congestion at the time of submission. |
1159 | false | EC_NNR_UNQUALIFIED -Unqualified |
1160 | false | EC_NNR_ERRORINMESSAGETRANSPORTXUDT -Error In Message Transport XUDT |
1161 | false | EC_NNR_ERRORINLOCALPROCESSINGXUDT -Error In Local Processing XUDT |
1162 | false | EC_NNR_DESTINATIONCANNOTPERFORMREASSEMBLYXUDT -Destination Cannot Perform Reassembly XUDT |
1163 | false | EC_NNR_SCCPFAILURE -SCCP Failure |
1164 | false | EC_NNR_HOPCOUNTERVIOLATION -Hop Counter Violation |
1165 | false | EC_NNR_SEGMENTATIONNOTSUPPORTED -Segmentation Not Supported |
1166 | false | EC_NNR_SEGMENTATIONFAILURE -Segmentation Failure |
1281 | false | EC_UA_USERSPECIFICREASON -User Specific Reason |
1282 | false | EC_UA_USERRESOURCELIMITATION -User Resource Limitation |
1283 | false | EC_UA_RESOURCEUNAVAILABLE -Resource Unavailable |
1284 | false | EC_UA_APPLICATIONPROCEDURECANCELLATION -Application Procedure Cancellation |
1536 | false | EC_PA_PROVIDERMALFUNCTION -Provider Malfunction |
1537 | false | EC_PA_SUPPORTINGDIALOGORTRANSACTIONREALEASED -Supporting Dialog Or Transaction Realeased |
1538 | false | EC_PA_RESSOURCELIMITATION -Resource Limitation |
1539 | false | EC_PA_MAINTENANCEACTIVITY -Maintenance Activity |
1540 | false | EC_PA_VERSIONINCOMPATIBILITY -Version Incompatibility |
1541 | false | EC_PA_ABNORMALMAPDIALOG -Abnormal Map Dialog |
1792 | false | EC_NC_ABNORMALEVENTDETECTEDBYPEER -Abnormal Event Detected By Peer |
1793 | false | EC_NC_RESPONSEREJECTEDBYPEER -Response Rejected By Peer |
1794 | false | EC_NC_ABNORMALEVENTRECEIVEDFROMPEER -Abnormal Event Received From Peer |
1795 | false | EC_NC_MESSAGECANNOTBEDELIVEREDTOPEER -Message Cannot Be Delivered To Peer |
1796 | false | EC_NC_PROVIDEROUTOFINVOKE -Provider Out Of Invoke |