If for some reason you are unable to receive incoming SMS to the endpoint of your choice in real time, you can use this API call to fetch messages. Each request will return a batch of received messages - only once. The API request will only return new messages that arrived since the last API request.

Request Headers

AuthorizationstringAPI key for authentication (Bearer <your_api_key>).Yes
AcceptstringExpected response format (e.g., "application/json").Yes

Query Parameters

limitinteger (int32)limit=2Maximum number of messages to return in a response. If not set, the latest 50 records are returned. The maximum allowed value is 1000. Data is available only for the last 48 hours.No
applicationIdstringapplicationId=marketing-automation-applicationFilters messages linked to a specific application.No
entityIdstringentityId=promotional-traffic-entityFilters messages linked to a specific entity.No
campaignReferenceIdstringcampaignReferenceId=summersaleFilters messages that were part of a specific campaign.No

Example Request

Retrieve the Last 2 Messages

GET /sms/1/inbox/reports?limit=2

Filter by Application ID

GET /sms/1/inbox/reports?applicationId=marketing-automation-application

Filter by Entity ID

GET /sms/1/inbox/reports?entityId=promotional-traffic-entity

Filter by Campaign Reference ID

GET /sms/1/inbox/reports?campaignReferenceId=summersale

Combined Filters

GET /sms/1/inbox/reports?limit=5&applicationId=marketing-automation-application&entityId=promotional-traffic-entity&campaignReferenceId=summersale
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!